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At Compliance4u, we take pride in offering high-quality, durable, and reliable truck plates that are designed to withstand the toughest of conditions. Whether you are a long-haul trucker, a fleet manager, or a trucking company owner, we have the perfect solutions to meet all your truck plate needs.

How can we help you?

Contact compliance4u Trucking Experts today to discuss your query.

Facility Audit by MTO

MTO audits are exhausting. Our experienced team of compliance4u Trucking Experts can help you navigate through the MTO Facility Audit process and can help your company improve its status.

Additionally, compliance4u Trucking Experts also prepare you for a mock audit and allows you to evaluate your operations and identify where your company needs to improve. You can then take action and make changes to improve your safety performance before the audit date.

FMCSA – On-site Audit

When an FMCSA auditor visits a carrier for an on-site audit, that an auditor will look through records and he or she might talk to fleet personnel.
On-site audit means an on-site examination of a company’s records to verify information on which a permit is based, and to determine compliance with the state uniform program requirements.
It’s crucial to have the appropriate paperwork in place and to understand the steps and procedures well.

FMCSA – First Entrant Audit

All newly-registered motor carriers must undergo a new entrant audit. When a carrier registers and receives a U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) number, they are considered a new entrant for 18 months. A safety audit will be conducted within 12 months after the new entrant begins operations.

New entrants will receive a letter from FMCSA explaining what they need to do next. You should refrain from collecting violations as certain violations discovered during the new entrant audit may cause the carrier to fail automatically.

If you fail an audit, you will receive a list of violations outlining why you failed that audit and instructions for developing and submitting a corrective action plan. The plan must be submitted within a certain time frame.

If you require help with your new entrant audit, our experienced team will be happy to help.

FMCSA – Off-site Audit

The off-site audit has been growing in use by FMCSA, which sees the approach as a more effective way to reach more carriers in a timely manner.

Off-site audits allow investigators to evaluate a motor carrier’s safety problems without having to go to the carrier’s place of business.
An off-site audit is less intrusive and often more targeted to specific trouble areas. An auditor will request certain records the carrier must supply electronically.

Carriers need to be prepared to upload compliance documentation to the agency on short notice. Electronic records are essential for a quick and accurate response to the agency

Insurance Audit

An insurance audit is an examination of your operation, records and books of account to discover your actual insurance exposure, including premium basis, classifications and rates that apply, for a specific period of time coverage was provided.

An insurance audit is the carrier’s way of determining how much risk they actually insured over the past year. The company could’ve undergone a drastic change over that whole year your policy was in effect.

If you need help preparing for an audit or simply have questions about what the process looks like when you’re buying insurance, give us a call! We’ll gladly help

Alberta Carrier Compliance

Alberta Transportation collects data on enforcement pertaining to carriers authorized to drive commercial vehicles from all around North America. This data consists of:
1. Convictions against the carrier and its drivers
2. Administrative penalties issued for impaired driving charges
3. Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) inspections
4. Collision information
5. Facility audit information